SecUpdate 30-4-2024 - Laois Retired Primary Teachers

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SecUpdate 30-4-2024
Beannachtai ,
Another month coming to an end and a  new one looming so time for notice about our MAY SOCIAL GET-TOGETHER which will return to the first Tuesday again . Thanks to a few people for various suggestions some of which may be taken up later in the year.
We have settled on a visit to DURROW with a guided walk (slow and relaxed) by a local historian Sean Conroy and will follow with tea/coffee etc. in the village/town.
The plan is to meet at the Front Gates/street entrance to Durrow Castle for 2.00 PM on TUESDAY 7 th MAY (day after Public Holiday) and take a leisurely stroll with Sean and hear a bit of the history of Durrow (Castle etc.). After that (not too long ) we will have tea/coffee etc. in either Bowe’s or Bob’s.
There’s no need to confirm your attendance (though it would be helpful, as always, if you did). Just turn up at the rendez-vous.
As previously mentioned the June Social will be our General Summer Meeting -with date/time etc to be confirmed.
Again a reminder to inform members who may not be on my email list.
Sean Mullaney
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