Secupdate11-6-2024 - Laois Retired Primary Teachers

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Dear RTAI LAOIS member,

I’m giving you notice that the SUMMER GENERAL MEETING of Laois Branch RTAI is scheduled for MONDAY next JUNE 17TH in The LAOIS EDUCATION CENTRE, Block Road, Portlaoise with a starting time of 12.00 (Noon). Our General Secretary Mr. John O Brien will be in attendance and will give an up-to-date report on RTAI national matters and answer any queries from members.

Assembly before the meeting  will be in the Centre from 11.30 with tea/coffee available and after the Meeting lunch (paid by Branch) will be served also in the Centre (c 1.15 PM).
The caterers will need to know in advance the numbers remaining for lunch  so if you are attending the Meeting and intend to have lunch please let me know  by noon on this Friday 14th June so I can inform the Education Centre staff.
Ta súil agam go mbeidh tú i láthair.


The Laois Branch extends sympathy to the Flynn family of Mountmellick on the death of our member Tom Flynn RIP.
Tom died on May 30th last and his funeral took place in Mountmellick. Tom may have been a former officer of the Laois Branch RTAI (perhaps Chairperson). Ar dheis De go raibh a anam
Members on the WhatsApp group were informed of Tom’s death soon after I heard it. If you wish to join that group please whatsapp me a request to join. (number below)

Seán Mullaney,        RTAI LAOIS

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