Update12thseptember - Laois Retired Primary Teachers

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12th Sept 2023 Update
Greetings members Laois RTAI,

Thanks to all who attended our September Social in Ballintubbert House on Tuesday last. We had a (record) group of 29 for the guided tour of the garden on a beautiful September afternoon followed by tea/coffee etc. Thanks to Catherine Coleman for coming up with outing suggestion and liaising with Ballintubbert.

Nothing has been chosen for our October Meeting as yet but I have had suggestions re. Emo Court  and the Workhouse Museum in Donaghmore near Borris-in Ossory/Rathdowney. It looks like Emo Court house isnt open in October so leaning towards latter suggestion. However looks like Donaghmore don’t have cafe so if there’s any member in that area who knows of a place we could have tea/coffee etc. after please let me know. E.G. Rathdowney Golf Club ??.

Hope all enjoyed late spell of sun before return to our normal rain.

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