Secretary Update September 2022
Firstly I have some sad news of the death of one of our members-Cathleen Dowling of Castletown whose death occurred yesterday (9th September) at Oakdale Nursing Home,Portarlington. Cathleen was the principal of Castletown G.N.S. for many years until her retirement in 1992 and is pre-deceased by her husband Joseph Dowling who was principal of Paddock N.S. Cathleen’s funeral Mass takes place in Castletown tomorrow Sunday at 2.00 pm with burial in the local cemetery. (See or Laois Today for more details) Ar dheis De go raibh a hanam.
Thanks to all who turned up at G’s Gourmet Jam Farm Shop/Cafe in Ballypickas on Tuesday last for our September Social afternoon. Cuppas etc. were enjoyed with plenty of chat at what was a new and very suitable venue for our group gathering. I would welcome suggestions for our October Meeting on Tues 4th bearing in mind that with the onset of Autumn we will probably have to move indoors.While the first Tuesday is the default date this can be changed to fit in with any other event.
The next RTAI activity is on this Monday (12th September) with a GOLF OUTING in ROSCREA GOLF CLUB with assembly (cuppa etc)at 11.00 am for a 3 person scramble. Just a reminder that spouses/partners are welcome to join and also that you can come as an individual (i.e. you dont have to bring a team of 3 as teams are sorted at the venue)
I have received notice from Sheelagh Coyle re. a fitness programme to suit’ Middle aged and older people’ with programmes online and also at venues (2 days per week) in Portarlington and Mountrath.As some people are having problems with downloading my attachments I am not including this in this correspondence but if you are interested in having a look at the programmes/timetable etc please let me know and I will forward Sheelagh’s email to you individually. Also it will be on the Laois RTAI website.
If anybody has any ideas for any other activities I would love to hear from you. For our November Social I am suggesting a Cinema Morning at the Dunamaise Theatre on Wednesday 9th November. The acclaimed movie An Cailin Ciuin is showing there at 11 am and we could have our tea/coffees after in the Centre.If you think you might be interested in attending please let me know as soon as possible so I can book seats for the group.(the Branch will fund the admission).
Also I would appreciate if you could bring this to the attention of our non e-mail members.
Sean Mullaney (Runai RTAI Laoise 2022) 087-6324547
(Laois website Administrator
Laois Branch RTAI (RTAI Laoise) is a constituent branch of the Retired Teachers Association of Ireland (R.T.A.I.) having its registered office at Vere Foster House, 35 Parnell Square, Dublin 1.
(Vere Foster House eircode DO1 ET 35 Phone 01-2454130 Web e-mail )